Judge Not By The Apperance of Things


There comes a time in our life when we have to contend with issues and concerns whose appearance can be overwhelming. Liken to what the comedian Redd Foxx said: “the bills come on the time. It’s the money that’s late.” How many can relate to the fact that we are often overwhelmed by our circumstances when faced with challenges that seem impossible.


My father would often say that he took his concerns to the altar, and when he felt better, he would take them back, when he realized that he took his problems to the lord and let him fight his battles. Some things are for the lord to resolve—the Bible states for us to lean on the lord and not our understanding.


There is a level of faith that exceeds the limitations of our abilities. We must trust the Lord and know for a surety that he will direct our path. Some ways seem pleasing to man but fall short of the glory of the lord. There is greatness within us that we have yet to experience but yearning to express itself. As Jesus said: “he that believes in that indwelling spirit that is in me, great things have I done but greater things shall you do.”


It’s time to come into a greater awareness of how dynamic we are consistent with the notion that God made humanity his image and likeness. We have the attributes of the creator inside of us, and the spirit of the Lord resides within humanity as the Bible encourages us to be in agreement with the Lord and to keep his commandments, and live a spirit-filled existence.


Coming into the realization of what it means to be on one accord with the creator is an essential ingredient of being made in the image and likeness of the creator. Jesus recognized his Christ potential, and so should we. He stated the father and I are one, and that should be our mantra as well. In that respect, it is our oneness with the Lord that makes a difference. Liken to Jesus, the Christ potential resides within us that makes a difference. To be Christlike is to be Godlike.


One must go beyond the way that you have accustomed to viewing yourself when you say that you can do all things through Christ that strengthens you that should be more than mere rhetoric. It should be a way of life. Consistent with the theme that we are to let this mind be in us that was also in Christ Jesus, who is a form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God.


We are a Godly expression and manifestation, and it’s time to go beyond the limitations that we have imposed upon ourselves. It’s our mindset and the way that we think that does make a difference. We are fantastic by design, and we should consider ourselves more comprehensively. We do have the capacity to move mountains if we are in alignment with the life force that can manifest that greatness that resides within us.


Changing the narrative and the conversation that we have with ourselves does make a difference. We have a great mind, and that’s what Christ is, the mind of God individualized. It is the knowledge and wisdom of God unto salvation. Our mind is the most crucial part of our being, for thoughts are the mind in action. As a man thinks and believes in their heart, so is he this is why it is important to not judge by the appearance of things.


Believing in that indwelling spirit that resides within you does make a difference. There is another world inside of you. The beauty of contemporary living is that we have access to information that can assist us in evolving to a higher level of thinking. We live in the information age, which allows us to formulate and design a better life for ourselves. To go beyond the limitations that we have imposed upon ourselves.


We are privy to another world that resides within us in the biblical context, which states: “eyes have not seen and ears have not heard nor has it entered into the mind of man the things that the Lord has in store for those that love the lord according to his purpose.”


The Bible says it best coming into an awareness of your true self and the life force that resides within you. Now is the time to move forward and not be constrained by the limitations that you impose upon yourself.

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