For The Lord Can Make Away Out of No Way

When you’re going through something, it seems like there is no proverbial light at the end of the tunnel. Liken to Job, the harder you try the more difficulties you have to contend it. It’s like a never-ending story.

True, no one said the road would be easy. Even in the midst of it all, I must draw on a profound statement that someone told me. I stated: that when you get to the end of your rope you tie a knot in it and hold on. Their response was in the true form of enlightenment: “ you tie a knot in the rope and you pull yourself up.”

That’s how life is, one must speak things into existence. You can expect to have difficulties in life, but that is a key point to remember. In life, there will always be demands placed upon us that we have to adapt to. We have the ability to be creative, and reinvent ourselves, or adapt to the challenges that we have to contend with.

When there are obstacles we have to learn how to create another pathway or alternate way to contend with our issues. As we grow and evolve in our awareness of just how dynamic we are, and can be. We can contend with, or circumvent any obstacle, or the appearance of one.

We have the ability to adapt and modify our circumstances. We just have to be mindful of key ingredients: “ the problem exists within us but so does the solution.” In Alcohol Anonymous, a profound step that I reference: “is that one must take a fearless moral inventory of themselves.” Essentially we have to take a look at the role that we play in the affairs of our life.

For thoughts are things and words materialize. Everything is precipitated by thoughts. Whatever we are contending with, reflects the mindset that we are engaged in. Nothing just happens on its own, independent of any variable. In psychiatry, prior to the onset of any hospitalization, one always looks at the precipitating factors. Or the thought pattern that the individual was engaged in.

The lord gives us the ability to create our heaven or hell on this earth. For everything that exists in our world, we create intentionally or unintentionally. Consciously or unconsciously, what is going on in our world reflects the predominate thought pattern that we engage in.

We have been encouraged to be mindful of the thoughts that we entertain; because thoughts are things and words do materialize. Even in the Bible, it’s stated that as a man thinks so is he. For we are a thinking machine. That’s the most important part of us is our ability to think. It is imperative that we give proper attention to the thoughts that we attend to. For we operate in a manner consistent with our predominate thinking.

Our thoughts and actions are one. Our conditions and circumstances are what we create. Your circumstances are reflective of the thought pattern that you engage in. If you want your condition to change then change the way you view your circumstances. Your perception of your circumstances and your ability to change your circumstances like a change agent is crucial. A sense of being hopeful and having authority over your circumstances is essential to your well being.

You are a definitive change agent. As long as you operate from that vantage point you tend to do well. It’s when you deviate from this line of reasoning that puts you in compromising situations. At the core of our being, we are designed to operate in a manner to bring resolution to our conflict.

Coming into the proper knowledge of whose we are and what we are capable of doing is the key. We are fortunate to have the guidance and to achieve this initiative. I am mindful of what someone informed me of many years ago, a point that still resonates in my mind. He stated that the best thing, as a parent, that you can do is to give your children spiritual insight on how to live.

We are to train up a child in the way that they should go, so if they should depart they will come back to it. Years later I have found that to be a profound statement. In the biblical context, we are encouraged to be in the world but not of the world. Even in the words of Jesus, he stated; “that we are to give on to Caesar what he is dew but we still give homage to the lord. Our allegiance is to the lord first and foremost.

It may seem paradoxical but we can attend to our earthly needs. However, not at the expense of our spiritual needs. We cannot serve two masters or gain the world but lose our soul. For the Lord created us for his distinct pleasure. We are encouraged to look to the Lord for guidance in all of our affairs. On the contrary, we cannot pick and chose how we deal with the lord. This is why we are instructed to lean on the lord and not our own understanding.

The lord does have a way out for the faithful. When it comes to matters of faith and conviction as believers we operate from the vantage point that the creator is no respecter of persons. We reference the Bible as an exemplar of God’s relationship with people.

We can extract principles of conduct that are either beneficial to us or detrimental to our walk with God. Just as important is that we are privy to have that relationship with the lord as well. Because he will do for us what he has done the people of the book. For he is the same God then same God now and forever.

We are privy to an awesome relationship it is up to us to embrace the experience. For what the Lord has for us is good and very good. We must view the Bible as more than a historical account of a godly presence in the affairs of mankind. These are not abstract constructs removed from us but they really are a definitive part of who we are as well.

We have to be mindful that the lord can no more for us then what he can thorough us. We can talk about the marvelous things that he did for others. But we must allow the spirit of the lord to resonant thought us as well.

It is our time to come into the fullness of what the Lord has to offer us. Whether that be as a nation or as an individual we have suffered enough operating outside of the will of the creator. We must furnish life so that God can use us. Again the lord can do no more us then what he can do through us.

It is imperative as the Apostle Paul states: “ that we let this mind be in us that was also in Christ Jesus who being a form of God did not consider it robbery to be equal with God.” We must be in agreement with the will of the creator. To be a willing vessel that he can work through.

It is our connection to the Lord that will make a difference. Nothing should impede or separate us from our walk with the lord. Essentially we should keep God’s commandments and live a spirit-filled existence. For God is spirit so we should worship him in spirit and truth. Consistent with the theme that the Lord will put no more on us then what we can bear. He will leave a way of escape for the faithful.

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