Be Ye Transformed by The Renewal of The Mind

20130820_221104526_iOSBe ye transformed by the renewal of the mind

When God puts something on your heart it’s something that he puts his trust in you to do. For the creator will give you the desires of your heart. I say this because, on the eve of the launch of my book, I have to deal with the emergence of a new Calvin.

This is the Calvin that has been renewed and is moving forward and confronting his fears. Pursuing a walk of faith and trusting in the process. It’s not easy the challenges are there, but so is the lord. I have pursued this course despite the challenges and impediments.

When you believe in something it doesn’t matter what others say or don’t say.? Neither does it matter what they do or don’t do. I had to believe in the possibilities even when it didn’t seem probable. God wants you to go forward with the understanding that what you can’t do he can. The creator will give you the desires of your heart.

Once I started there was no turning back. I had been impacted on by a different experience, so there was no turning back. Despite the tears and the despair I was walking by faith and not by sight. The appearance of things was not going to deter me anymore.

Yes, the book is my story but, it is also your story. Falling down in life is part of the process but, it doesn’t constitute a failure. Being determined to overcome yourself is the key. For the battle is in your mind and how you think. I can attest to that, you can change your thoughts and change your life.

My life did change when I realized it could change. I went through a phase of having a complicated life which led to being hospitalized as a young adult. Over time my life did become less complicated and I developed the mindset to achieve a wellness state of mind.

I would implore anyone that is suffering and feeling distressed, don’t try to go it alone. Don’t lean on to your own devices, put your trust in something or someone to help you. No need to suffer needlessly. We are meant to be a helpmate to one another.

We’re all going through something, but it’s how we go through it. The Lord allowed me to go through something. I become the person that I am because of my experiences. God transformed my mind and the renewing process is ongoing. All things are possible for those that believe. My life changed and I evolved into the person that I am.

I wrote this book as a testament to the fact that you can overcome yourself. It requires something different then what you’re doing. For we really are in the world but not of the world. This is why God expects so much from us because he knows what we are made of. He wants us to come into a greater awareness of ourselves and what we can be.

Be ye transformed by the renewal of your mind. Is my exploration into what allowed me to become the person that I am today. Not just what I went through, but what I continue to go through. No matter who you are what you think of yourself. Challenges will continue to be your lot in this life.

We must be open to reinventing ourselves throughout our lifespan. We must recognize that we do have options in life. If our initial plan is not working for us, be willing to create another pathway for yourself. Be strategic in your endeavors. Because everything is dependent on a thought pattern. Success or failure is all predicated on a mindset.

How you think is so important. If you are stuck you can get unstuck, just by the way that you think. Consider other possibilities even, if it doesn’t seem probable. If you don’t have the answers, be willing to get the help that you need to prevail over your situation. It’s okay to ask for help because it doesn’t make you inadequate to ask for assistance.

It was when I realized that we will have difficult times in our life. We will not always know what to do, or how to resolve our dilemma. Once again we are designed to be a helpmate to one another. Being mindful that being a helpmate is the natural order of things. My life did become more manageable when I accepted the assistance of others.

The way that we think is so important. Because thoughts are things, and words do materialize. Our world and way of life are influenced by the way that we think. Be mindful of the thoughts that we entertain, have authority over our life. There is power in the words that we use, being mindful that we can speak things into existence. Thoughts are things and words do materialize. Because everything that exists was first thought. Think about it.

Think about what you think about and mind your mind.

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